Sunday, March 18, 2012

Two new arrivals

Today we were joined at the farm by Debra's new bull calf sired by Amaroo Upmarket.
Tonight the hens will be spending their first night with a 4 month old Andalusian x Wyandotte rooster.

Will try and add some pics over the weekend when both boys have settled in.

Monday, March 12, 2012

End of Summer

Summer has well and truly departed us for the 2011/2012 season. Before the season was over we even had a night cold enough that we had to light the fire.

Nothing too exciting has been going on at the farm lately, just more of the same stockwork and fencing (which I think will continue for months and months to come!).

The broody hen is still sitting and unfortunately nothing came of the eggs she was sitting on. We are hoping to pick up a rooster within the next few weeks, so maybe he will get her moving?!?

Here are some pictures I took around the farm today.


The two Spiny Spiders are quite common down in our 'swamp' paddock. Fortunately they are not venomous!

The black Angus calves are growing quickly. The calf with the splotchy face is the only multi-coloured calf on the property.
Afternoon rest


Chloe looking for a treat
The trees we planted with the help of Mum, Dad, Lana and Jarrod are all growing rapidly. I'm sure they will be giving the cows some shelter in no time.


I was planning to take Willy for a ride this weekend, but once again, he is lame. Not sure what it is this time, but he seems a little better today.

Buck is still obsessed with the Chickens. They now seem to play games with him. The latest was a chook standing on the window sill this afternoon. I'm sure Buck would have eaten her if there wasn't a window in between. Mind you, if there wasn't a window in between them, the chook probably would have been smart enough not to jump up there!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Broody hen

Last week one of our hens started sitting on the nest. I followed some advice given on various websites, including sitting the poor girl in cold water, but she kept returning to her nest.
After a week of sitting, I figured she could at least sit on some eggs, so I got Tom to bring home some eggs from his parents' house from two hens that live with 'Zorro' a black Andalusian rooster.
With some luck we might have some chicks in about 3 weeks time.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


With the dryer weather, the hay has now been cut. Only a small area was mowed, but we still managed to get 80 bales of hay.

After a multitude of bull calves, a heifer was born today. Despite the heat, the first time mum had no issues.

After taking the pictures tonight, I had a conga line of Blonde d'Aquitaines following me down the fence line.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another addition

Today saw the arrival of the 9th Angus calf.
The Blondes and some of the other Angus cattle were more than interested in the little one.