Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mouse in the house

There's a mouse in the house.
Last night I arrived home to an open packet of Tim Tams that had been nibbled on ... And unlike usual it was not nibbled on by Tom.
I put a bait in the pantry and woke up to half of it missing. Hopefully that will be the last of the rodent visitors for a while.

On a sadder note, when I arrived home tonight and locked up the chickens, there was one missing. With the sniffer dog Buck to guide me, I found a lot of feathers in the yard. Clearly the local foxes are getting very bold to come so close to the house during the day. The chooks will stay locked up for a few days to prevent any further loss. I'm now left wondering whether having Grace around would have helped to keep the chooks safe.


  1. Nothing else was safe with that rooster around! What you need is a nice Black Andalusion, much better temperament. I wonder how the mouse got in?

  2. Hope the mouse enjoyed his/her last supper...a tim tam no less! Grace had to go. It was nice yesterday walking around with out my 4X2
    protection stick! Sad about your hen,maybe time to get a couple more. And a duck for the pond. And Snowy lamb. And 2 alpacas. And a donkey. I am really getting into this remote farming!! Mx
